The Gold Nugget Case

The third largest gold nugget in the world

An interesting story from the internet about one of Image Alloy Cases projects:

In September 2010, the find of this gold nugget was announced at the Ora Banda pub 0during the annual “meeting” of local prospectors.  Andy Comas, a nugget buyer from Perth, had recently acquired the nugget and sold it to a buyer in the US.

When Andy showed a picture of the monster the bar went dead quiet. People just couldn’t take their eyes of it. This was of course what every prospector dreams of and keeps him going: the bloody big one!

The nugget was found using a metal detector.  It’s reputed to be the world’s third largest gold nugget in existence, weighing in at 23.26 kilograms, (just after the Hand of Faith at 27.21 kg and the Normandy Nugget at 25.5 kg).  Through various tests it was established that the nugget had a 92% purity rating. With 2010’s gold price of around 40 US Dollars a gram, the gold value would be around 860.000 dollars. But of course, nuggets of that rarity go for two, three times the gold value

Andy said that the prospector who found it, and who wishes to remain anonymous, gave him a week to sell it. Andy sold it for an undisclosed sum within a couple of days to a buyer in the US.  Apparently, no Australian could come up with the money.

However before the nugget could be exported, it needed to be placed on display0 in various places.  Before it could be displayed it needed a nice case.  Image Alloy Cases provided the very nice case that can be seen in these photos.  

Look at the case, dream about finding such a nugget.  But should you be so lucky, no worries, Image Alloy Cases can make you, maybe even a nicer, case.